Wednesday, 17 April 2013

A brief global update.

It is mostly required that a socialist like me should talk about UK ex prime minister Margaret Thatcher's death. Well, I have a lot of steam to let out regarding to the Iron Lady, but I also show some respect to dead, maybe it's to late (or perhaps to early) to start ill-taking of the dead. Besides, I won't have my first post about UK be composed of negativity only.

NK, or the official name, Democratic People od North Korea (Yeah, democratic). Comrade Jung Hun keeps dancingon the American trigger while presenting yhe whole world the evil twin sister of Socialism. Meanwhile People's Republic of China, and United States of America decided to cooperate to cool camrade's reactor.
Both great nations realized that the next war will be economic, and bloody, sparing lives of many and resources. (Remeber talking of modesy? China and US are the strongest nations on our world and both prefering peace instead of wiping out NK).

Boston was attacked. Twins blasts occured during Boston Marathon taking the lives of a little child and two young women, one of them Chinese, also wounding many others. Right now there are no suspecys and some ideas popped out:
1) A muslim Saudi guy who got wounded in the attack scene. On one hand it is rational and possible. Fanatic Islamo-Fascists do not fear death, but blaming the guy only because of being a muslim it's Islamophobic and racist. Many arabs an Muslims get hurt from the actions of their "brothers".

2) One conspiracy idea is our comrade, Kim Jung Un. It is possible, indeed, but if it's true, he is really stupid. Did he see what happened to Osama Bin-Laden? Whereas Muslims belive in the after life,Communists usually deny any spiritual being, and the only way to force them attempt such a risky task is by threat of torturing their family.

3) Like the 9.11 idea comes a new story: Obama planned it all in order to have an opportunity to show the Americans he likes them. A TV cartoon called Family guy "predicted" the attack by laughing at the possibilty of terror attack. The episode was pulled of the web (Americans...). There is no reason to panic, If the episode predicted the attack, than I am a prophet, and if it plannes, then I am a terrorist. See, I laughed about many possible accasions in the past and they occure few our later. No big deal.

Its is horrible that people had to die for this, but the Chinese victim can br another bridge to coorporation between US and PRC. They both must cooporate to eliminate the theocratic terrorism.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

What do we say to the god of war?

Not today.
I took the quote (originally god of death) from HBO's A game of Throne to congrtulate US minidter of defense for the preventing war move. Although I do not tend to support the US, for their arrogance, this time they did it right. Lau Tzu (The Tao 道)talked about balance and used the example of a tree: A man has to be stiff like tree, but when the wind blows fiercly the tree must be flexible and bend itself or else it will be broken.
Jesus also tought us about modesty. Swallow your Hubris (pride) and cut with the show-off.
Chuck Hagle, the Americam minister of defense dicided to suspence the coopereated training with the south Korean army due to threat from the north to start a war. Kim Jong Un had no right to threat other countries, while US and SK (south Korea) has the right to train together, if they will. Minister Hagle decision was is not just, but it is smart - Lose some of your pride because threats of a bully and spare others life by preventing a war (for a while).
I hope this quiet will be preserved.

Talking of peace and war: Jews around the world will mention tommorow the memorial day to the Holocaust victims. Milions of Jewish were slaughered by their own homeland only because an Austrain psycopath  decided they have different blood than their Christian brothers. In the Holocaust (Shoa, in hebrew, שואה)were murdered more than 6 milions people, and these are only the Jewish people who were recorded, there were many other non-recorded Jews and also Roma-people ("gypsies"), Polish, Russian , Ukrainian (Slavic nations, "Lesser", as the Nazis believe.). After the war the Jews realized their homelands and nations spat them out and they need to establish a new nation and new homeland, then State of Israel was born. Until these days they sruggle agaisnt sorrounding enemies.
The Holocaust is the worst disaster and genocine, not only for the Jewish people, but the the whole human-kind. It shows us the foulest era in Human-history, and the power of hatred and brain-washing.

I am not a hippie pot-head, I do believe in war and a nation right to defend itself, but I wish countries won't hve to use that right anymore. Who does not pray for peace? (Only Capitalistic weapon producers.).

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Stop this madness! No to war

The North Korean leader declared a war against USA due to Coorporatian between the states and south Korea.

Dear comrade, Kim Jung Un, please:
Don't press the American trigger, you know they are stronger.
the United States and the People Republic (中国), two strongest countries in the world,  warn you. the Republic comes from the north, and from the south, the south Korean, you have foes on both sides. Russia and the rebuplic knows war with the US will do no good to to you. Instead of feeding your own people you buy missiles. It serves your enemies intersests rather than you. By doing so you prove them what they want to believe - that Socialism is eveil, it makes the Liberal US stronger. Please stop this madness, feed you people, you won't shoot them anyway. Prove the world US is wrong, Liberalism is wrong.